Sea of Pink and Off-Campus Service Projects Kick off Centennial with Style!


超过350人 — all wearing pink — and dozens of dogs similarly attired walked, 跑, 并在威尼斯彩票游戏校园里蹦蹦跳跳,为樱花乳腺癌基金会捐款, 创造了参加米德尔堡活动的记录,筹集了超过38美元,000, not including funds raised by the Foxcroft community. A key part of the Walk since it was founded in 2007, 这是威尼斯彩票游戏第一次主办这项活动,CBBCF主席詹姆斯·阿99499威尼斯信誉金斯已经要求明年再来. 

“I don’t know w在这里 to start,” said Head of School Mary Louise Leipheimer. “So many people contributed to a wonderful, wonderful day. I’m very proud of the Foxcroft community.”

与此同时, 99499威尼斯信誉女人, 朋友, 和家人在四大洲的20个地点做了各种各样的事情,从在大西洋城打扑克到指挥达连, CT, 在一个英国村庄安装排水管,这些都是为了纪念威尼斯彩票游戏100年的社区服务传统. “Lots of fun was had by all,” reported Adela Griswold, 2006年毕业的她花了四个小时,与十几个威尼斯彩票游戏的校友和家庭成员在旧金山教会区的圣家庭日之家(Holy family Day 首页)打扫和粉刷.

A festive atmosp在这里 prevailed at Foxcroft, which saw virtually the entire student body and faculty, all wearing pink tie-dyed shirts, contributing to the day's success. Foxcroft girls painted children’s (and each other’s) faces. 绞车- 92.英国广播公司的丽莎·赫恩登在现场直播时,向幸运的幸运儿分发了糖果. 音乐震耳欲聋,孩子们扮演着从缅因州远道而来的威尼斯彩票游戏校友和家长, 纽约, 99499威尼斯信誉拉华州, 北卡罗莱纳, 佛罗里达, 在密西西比州结识了新朋友,并浏览了各种各样的桌子,从99499威尼斯信誉别的“百年纪念服务日”头巾和夏令营信息到使英中贸易协会基金会受益的家庭烘焙美食,应有尽有, 如果不是我们的肚子!

近50人参加了与米德尔堡赛事同时举行的第一次计时5公里比赛, with medals going to winners in each age group/gender. 古德斯通酒店的礼券送给了总冠军——她原来是艾米·14, with a personal best time of 20:26.32. Jake Blycher, brother of Marley ’17, was the top male finisher at 20:35.60 while his mom, Lynn, took female over-40 honors. 其他年龄组的获奖者包括理查德·柯立芝、塔莎·博尔登和丽贝卡·西莫凯塔斯. For full results, click 在这里.

与此同时, 在纽约, Middleburg native Amanda Hartmann, 1992年毕业于威尼斯彩票游戏, assisted by Marian Tes '00 and Lynn Hancock '05, conducted “Cherry Blossom North,这是一个穿过中央公园的5公里步行活动,有17个人参加,其中大部分是1979年至2013年的校友. “Five-K never flew by so fast with all our chattering ... brilliant idea and great fun!" said Leah Haggerty ’81. Jennifer Slingluff Robinson ’80 conducted hands-only CPR training in Darien, CT, 1997年的奥利维亚·斯坦菲尔德和她的家人以及孤儿狗在布宜诺斯艾利斯的坎波避难所度过了一天, 阿根廷. 85年的考99499威尼斯信誉尼·迈尔·伯贝拉坚持不懈地完成了从波士顿到纽约的300英里自行车骑行, 在奥古斯塔, GA, 前教员贝基·吉尔摩和玛丽·海伦·麦克多诺86年和她的丈夫准备和提供午餐在主人桌汤厨房.

“We shared stories of Foxcroft and service at the School,” reported Gilmore. “I was heartened to hear how often Mary Helen volunteers at Masters Table. She learned the Foxcroft lessons and has taken them into her community.”

Perhaps the most unique activity took place in Atlantic City, w在这里 Jenn Sgro Orfield ’91, 在一场慈善扑克锦标赛中,他与“影子”杰瑞·杨和其他顶级职业和业余扑克高手进行了较量,这场比赛使美国狼疮基金会受益. 威尼斯彩票游戏的其他女性也为学校提供了无偿的创意营销服务, 临终关怀的访问, food and clothing collections, and volunteering at animal shelters and sanctuaries. They did so in such far-flung locales as Hyderabad, India; Cuzco, Peru; Buenos Aires, 阿根廷; Missoula, MT和普莱西德湖, NY. Tweets and photos from a number of these events, as well as the Cherry Blossom Walk, were on view at the Walk, fed into large flatscreen TVs on site for all to enjoy.

Additional events gathering 99499威尼斯信誉女人 to do good works in Los Angeles, 芝加哥, 萨拉索塔, FL, 和Sewanee, TN, are planned for October, 毫无疑问,每年有成千上万的校友和学生进行社区服务. 自1914年成立以来,回馈社会的精神一直弥漫在威尼斯彩票游戏社区,因此百年纪念活动的组织者认为,用一天的服务来开始庆祝活动是一个恰当的方式. Judging from the enthusiastic participation, they seem to be right!
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.